Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ask Joe Torre

Q. Do you still have confidence in Kyle Farnsworth?

A. Farnsie's still our eighth-inning guy. No question, he’s very important for us. I favor experience. I'm more comfortable with experienced players. He has the most experience doing what he does for the eighth and the ninth; he was a closer, too. I'd have to see something really bad from him where he was very inconsistent, and I haven't seen that. Plus, he's white. That's huge for us.


  1. Are you insane? This is not funny.

  2. Actually, it's hilarious. Shows how inane Sheffield really is.

  3. what??? you mean that wasn't a real quote!!??!!


    Actually I howled, thought it was extremely funny

  4. Here is another question ( or two ) for Mr. Torre:

    1. Do you still have confidence in Edwar?

    2. Do you feel you have developed him well in the 3 weeks he has been sitting and counting out pumpkin seeds?

    3. Does he get to ride on the team bus, or is he getting your Sheffield treatment?

    4. With the repeated failures of Farnsworth, Bruney, Proctor, and Meyers, is it time to send back the untested rookie to Scranton, where he was the best reliever in AAA?

    - Alphonso


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