Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ask Kyle Farnsworth

Q. Kyle, a reader from Syracuse asks--

A. Have you ever pitched out there before? If you think you can do any better, then I'll give you my cleats, my glove and my uniform, and see what you can do. All right? Any more questions? Are we done?

1 comment:

  1. I think Farnsey left something out of his answer to the middle aged, somewhat paunchy journalist;

    While challanging the journalist to do better with his glove, cleats, et al, he forgot to mention the added " perk " of giving away his $17 million (over 3 years.)

    I guess Farnsey is not willing to present the challenge as it really should be.

    He must be counting the dollars per bad pitch while slumbering through his relief appearances.

    By the way, who could do worse than his pick-off move for any amount of money?

    - Alphosno


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