Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cal Thomas: Secret Yankee Beat Columnist

On the surface, conservative columnist Cal Thomas seems to write about American politics.

In fact, this syndicated Christian giant for years has written coded columns, including secret messages for the Yankees and their Yankee fans.

This week, Cal is not happy.

From his latest:

ON AROD: "Not all sins are exposed in this life, but the higher the profile, the more likely exposure will occur, especially if it involves our national preoccupation with sex."

ON CARL PAVANO: "Once we repented... Today, we issue press releases, consult advisers, take medication or check into rehab."

ON KYLE FARNSWORTH: "The first reaction one should have is not laughter, but sadness, sadness for him, his wife and their... children."


  1. Hey remember, its just a game right :D

  2. Karl Farnsworth?

  3. There's five teams in the AL East.

    You seem to have forgotten the one that will win the division.


  4. Do you mean the Tigers? Because they're in the Central, not the East.


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