Friday, July 27, 2007

Proctor & Gamble: Some Stats about Scott Proctor

Hate to say it, but... according to

SCOTT DOESN’T CLIMB UP OUT OF A HOLE. Twelve times this year he has thrown a 3-0 pitch. All 12 times, it was ball four. Lifetime, he's 35 out of 36.

SCOTT FLUBS THE MONEY PITCH: He's faced 15 batters this year with a 3-2 count. Twelve of them walked. Two struck out. One hit a home run. Lifetime, on a full count, one in 10 hits a home run, and twice as many walk as strike out.

IN CLOSE GAMES, SCOTT MELTS: When the game is tied or within one run, opposing batters hit their highest against him (.354), record their highest on-base percentage (.438) against him, and also their highest slugging percentage (.631) against him. He is at his worst.

So why does Joe save him for those moments?

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