Monday, August 13, 2007

No Clemensy? Waiting for the Call

The family and friends of Roger Clemens will wait beside their phones until 7:04 p.m. today. hoping against hope that President George W. Bush will do the right thing...... Free Roger Clemens from an unjust American League court, which has sentenced the future Hall of Fame pitcher to a five-game suspension, merely for defending a teammate in a recent on-field skirmish.

Unless the President acts immediately, Clemens will miss his scheduled start and, effectively have served his cruel, unusual and unjust punishment.

According to White House sources, Bush has asked U.S. Army General David Petraeus to issue a recommendation by September 15, a move that basically sentences Clemens and leaves the matter to be decided by a future President.

It will be too late.

Other candidates are speaking up:

Mitt Romney revealed that during his time as Governor of Massachusetts he carefully withheld support for New York, but never fully committed himself to the Red Sox. Romney now is speaking openly about his membership in with the Church of the Latter Day Yankees, though he insists that it should not interfere with the Pennant Race.

Rudy Guiliani, an ardent Yankee fan, has said he would not only free Clemens but punish the Toronto Blue Jay who jumped in the way of Roger's fastball. He has not ruled out the use of enhanced interrogation techniques to learn who ordered the player to get hit.

Hillary Clinton, also a diehard Yankee fan since the days of Home Run Baker and Wee Willie Keeler, says she originally agreed with the President but now is opposed to his position, whatever it turns out to be.



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