Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Photograph Proves Existence of Hank Steinbrenner

Secondary byline: Photograph proves tortured existence of Hank Steinbrenner.

What do you think is his nickname?

a) Slappy

b) Cronk

c) Mule

d) The Load


  1. Sluggo?

    Hanky Panky?

    The Steinster?


  2. Shamu, the Great White Whale.

  3. I believe his childhood nickname was "The little shit I ended up with when I should have kept my pants on, now you go take out that garbage NOW and while you're at it crawl in."

  4. The Great Carlini.

  5. Sorry folks.

    A photo proves nothing. Have you seen the disturbing photo of President Bush at the State of the Union address where Mr. Cheny's head is on Mr. Bush's body, or the one where Saddam's head has "W's" Yalie hat on?

    Or the one where Big Pappi's head is on our Presidential shoulders?

    And now there's one with CC Sebathia's head, for pity sake.

    I don't think any American can resemble the photo you are validating as Mr. Steinbrenner's troubled child.

    We need DNA and oxycontin before making any conclusions.

    - Rush Limbaugh


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