Thursday, October 11, 2007


Fans, since today is a Yankees off-day, we're going to turn our attention to your other favorite team: we "grand men" who sweat and sacrifice day and night to bring you IT IS HIGH, IT IS FAR, IT IS... caught. You know us as El Duque, Alphonso and Superfrankenstein, but from now on you can refer to us collectively as --

The 83rd Most Influential Sports Bloggers!!!

Yes, that's the verdict of the experts at Juiced Sports Blog, who late last month included us in their survey of the 100 Most Influential Sports Bloggers! Their criteria: Who gets the most hits? Who gets the most attention? Whose opinion matters most? Answer: 82 bloggers, us, and then some others you don't have to worry about.

As the above illustration suggests, ranking us 83rd is like comparing the three of us to Bill Dickey, Yogi Berra and Babe Ruth. We will strive to be worthy.

We'd like to thank Juiced Sports, the New York Yankees, God, and most of all you, the fan, for making our opinions the 83rd most material in the entire sports blogging universe. And we feel it's only fair to warn 82nd-ranked Bad Idea Blue Jeans: objects in rear-view are closer than they appear!


  1. SuperFranken...etc

    This is great news. Finally, a legitimate ranking service to integrate with our stated franchise objective of being "number one."

    Already, I am hearing rumors from Tampa that the contract of one of our senior editors might not be renewed. Certainly # 83 is not acceptable, but given that h=this is our first year, some quarter may be given.

    My personal ambition is to be #82, no later than August 2008.

    I know I am biting off a lot here, but why be in this game if it isn't to win?

    You play the game to win!!!"

    Alphonso the Greek

  2. i'm not sure how i found this place to begin with, but i like it and have linked to it. 83 is quite a number considering the amount of sports blogs out there, alot of which are total shite.

    keep up the good work!


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