Monday, November 19, 2007

A resignation letter that puts Joe Torre's exit to shame

From the pen of Fran Townsend, who served as Assistant Chief Stevedore & Tablewatcher for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during our nation's recent great period of peace, prosperity and unity:
“In 1937, the playwright Maxwell Anderson wrote of President George Washington: There are some men who lift the age they inhabit, til all men walk on higher ground in their lifetime.”
“Mr. President, you are such a man.”
Wow. Peggy Noonan won't sleep tonight. That could be the closing line on High School Musical III. In terms of exiting, she makes Joe Torre look like Mel Hall.
From now on, when a Yankee bolts, let's put some speechwriting into the mix. Maxwell Anderson? Is he any relation to Sparky?


  1. Alphons says..

    She is a putrid pig.

    She will be the next AG under Rudy. wion or lose.

    No lips.

    No character.

    No brain.

    Good riddance.


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