Friday, February 29, 2008

Little Ig Man: "It is a good day to die"

Leave it to Honest Abe and Burning Man Proctor to bring the news of some spoiled sushi in Tampa.

Today, Kei Igawa got hit harder than my SONY digital alarm clock did on the morn-after the Super Bowl.

He walked two, hit one, then grooved a grand slamboni to some guy who was 0 for 2007 -- that's college ball, mind you.

How do you say, "Beam me up, Scotty!" in Japanese?

You'd like to think it would mean something to an undergrad -- smacking a grand slam against the mighty Yankees in a spring game. Sadly, the kid'll have to go through life also remembering it was only Kei Igawa.

Just so it's said: There is no reason to think this game meant Jack Squat. No reason to see any foreshadowing of Igawa's, or anybody's, season.

Still, one thought keeps turning.

Beam him up, Scotty.

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