Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Spitzer Prostitution Scandal Song: "Love Client No. 9"

As our governor, the not-so-honorable Eliot Spitzer, hands in his resignation, we offer this musical tribute. (Sung to the tune of ... hell, you can figure it out)

"Love Client Number Nine"

He called a madam friend that he knew well,
To have some fun at the Mayflower Hotel,
He said he was looking to have a real good time
She said she'd arrange that for ... Love Client Number Nine

He said "I must hide my identity,"
She said "Your secret, Gov, it's safe with me.
Kristen, she'll make sure you're feeling mighty fine,
And no one will know about ... Love Client Number Nine"

He said "I'll pay her way be car, train, or truck;
If anyone finds out I'll really be stuck
I know I prob'ly shouldn't press my luck
But I just can't wait for my four-grand ... screw"

- guitar solo -

When he hung up she smiled and turned around
Saw Joe and Sheldon, said "Boys, how'd that sound?
I knew that if you put a tap on my phone line
You'd get the goods on ... Love Client Number Nine"

Love Client Number Nine
Love Client Number Nine ...

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