Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Commander Fallon Resigns

Watch the media spin this, as if it has nothing to do with loss of confidence in the current Redsock regime.

Yankuracy In Media should get on this.


  1. They will spin this in the same way as the news media spun the failure of the Congress to overturn Bush's veto on the attempt to overturn his torture bill.

    Here was today's radio headline on the matter:

    " Democrats fail to overturn Bush veto....".

    The fact is, the Democrats don't have the seats to overturn anything, either in the senate or the House.

    The headline should have read ,
    " Republicans support Bush's torture bill...".

    The only way Bush's imperious plan could have been over-ridden is if some Republicans actually had any moral code and voted against torture. Clearly they don't.

    Torture is fine. Mass murder of innocent civilians is fine e.g.
    ( " collateral damage in Iraq ").

    Wire tapping our communications without authorization is fine. Extreme rendition is fine.

    Firing US Attorneys for not initiating frivilous lawsuits against Democrats ( or, conversely, dropping lawsuits agains clear, criminal Republican candidate activites ) is fine.

    The only thing republicans rail against, in uniformity, is sex.

    I'm getting out of Tampa and coming back to the US. You can't even get a decent shave down here.

  2. You need a decent face to get a decent shave, dude.

  3. Sorry, man. Cheap shot. I just saw Drew Barrymore in a Sox jacket and got Ellie all over.

  4. The comments on the Yankuracy in Media post were better. We're going downhill.


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