Thursday, May 1, 2008

YANKEETORIAL: An Open Letter to Jason Giambi

(NOTE: We respectfully ask readers to print out this editorial and nail it up on street-corners, along busy thoroughfares, in cafes, churches and public restrooms known to be frequented by Jason Giambi. This message may be the only hope for Jason Giambi… and the Yankees.)

Dear Madam or Sir:

If you ever watch yourself hit on TV, you will notice something creepy.

The announcers – from FOX, YES or ESPN or whatever – always marvel about the wide open space in leftfield, because of the defensive over-shift on you.

They note that if you simply bunt toward third, you’ll have an easy single. If you slap a routine grounder toward third, you’ll have a stand-up double.

Then you drive the ball at the second-baseman, standing in right field. He throws you out, or starts a double-play.

Jason, friend, comrade…

You are not hitting.

You are not adapting.

The definition of insanity is to endlessly repeat a failed strategy.

That’s the definition of Jason Giambi’s career decline.

It is time to change.

You have to start taking what they’re giving.

When you adapt, they will have to change. Then you can start driving the ball again.

We know what you’re thinking:

"The Yankees are paying me to hit home runs. The Yankees are paying me to be a slugger."

Not true.


Jason, friend, old chum…

The ship is leaving port.

Shelley Duncan can bat .160. Morgan Ensberg can bat .160. Eric Duncan can bat .160.

You are hitting the ball well.

But you are hitting the ball at people, because defenses adapted to you.

It’s your turn to adapt.

Jason, friend, sir… Time is running out.


  1. Truer words have never been spoken!

  2. Jason!

    Don't listen to a word of this rubbish.

    Hit it over their heads! Aim for the stands!

    Did anyone in pinstripes ever get a curtain call for a bunt?!


  3. Alphonso could hit .160.

    Jason was never hired for his wisdom, his cunning, his adaptability.

    He was hired for his connections to the Jamba Juice Bar.

  4. You left out "strip clubs" in the intro.


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