Sunday, June 1, 2008

Abreu will be one of the 7 People Nick Blackburn meets in Heaven

Breaking: Great news! Nick Blackburn is OK!

Repeat: Nick. Blackburn. Will. Live.

Oh, and we played horribly and lost.

But, hey, who's keeping score? Certainly not us.

In case you haven't heard, Twins pitcher Nick Blackburn got Herb Scored-upon in the fifth inning. Bobby Abreu played Gil McDougald. A line shot to the mouth, or as Nick will be calling it, "da mouf."

Yank post-game interviews were larded with Hallmark card sentiments for the fallen foe. Abreu, who almost forgot to run to first base, met privately with Blackburn with enough contrition to probably give the Pope an erection. "Everyone is a human being at that point," Joe Girardi said. "You have concern for the individual."

Moreover, the Yanks were so distraught, so angst-ridden, that they graciously refrained from hitting the rest of the game -- despite a fife-and-drum parade of Triple A arms worthy of the Proctor-Sturtze pens of 2005-7.

Yes, we are a team of great humanitarians and seriously nice guys. We remember birthdays. We grieve for our opponents' losses. We feel their pain. We give at the office.

Don't take this wrong. We don't want anybody hurt. But when the Redsocks played bazooka on Jeff Karstens' leg last year, I don't recall anybody wincing on the way to first. I don't recall expressions of anguish. Nobody held back. They tasted blood and went for more.

It's good to wish Blackburn well. It's good to care.

It's not good to use a freak injury as an excuse to phone in a game.

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