Sunday, June 1, 2008

Even at Scranton, We Get Charged with DWY: Disagreeing While a Yankee

Check this out from Chad Jennings. Then write your congressman.

The nut of it (boldface mine):

Tuesday's scheduled starter, Dan McCutchen is serving a three-game suspension beginning today. He was suspended for throwing two pitches in a row behind a hitter in Pawtucket. That was in a series that saw the Yankees No. 3 and 4 hitters each get plunked twice, so while I can't say absolutely that McCutchen was trying to hit a batter, it wouldn't surprise me.

Did you get that? The baby Redsock pitchers HIT our third and fourth batters TWICE.

We throw NEAR their batter AND DO NOT HIT HIM!... and our man gets suspended.

Who is making these rulings, George Mitchell?

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