Sunday, January 4, 2009

Guest Blogger Zell: "The day I ran into Phil Hughes on a baseball card message board.. "

I am a big collector of sports memorabilia and baseball cards. I was on this trading card forum where I was looking to obtain some Phil Hughes cards, and this guy sent me a private message. His username was “nyyphily45″ and he told me that he could hook me up with anything Phil Hughes...


  1. Hey you guys it was me all along! Lol! So whats up with you guys? Im doing good. I think Im going to hurt my shoulder this year. I havent decided yet.
    Hey you guys play world of warcraft? I have a level 53 Shaman on Medivh if you want to hook up.

    Keep up the great blog.


  2. WTF?

    That can't be Phil Hughes...xoxoxo? If it is, you're joking right? And World of Warcraft? Tell me this is a joke.

  3. No thats Phil. Stop being so paranoid. We are people too. We have the internet just like everyone else.

  4. Opening window....

    Sticking foot out....

  5. To think Phil is hocking all his shit online?


    Anybody ever remember running into Randy Johnson or Roger Clemens in a chat room, selling ther crap for pennies on the dollar to the highest bidder?

    Maybe Phil should be in the weight room. And why Nyyphilly45?

    Is he taking Pavano's old number? That would be appropriate!


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