Monday, January 5, 2009

Irate Yankees Fans Have a New Target of Anger


Nothing brings out angry Yankees fans like Kevin Youkilis yelling at Joba Chamberlain for launching a 98-mph heater over his white dome.

Or, Mike Francesa using his soap box to beg for the Yankees front office to give up on Robbie Cano and Phil Hughes and deal them for Nate McLouth.

Or even worse, Bronson Arroyo.

But all that changed on January 4th, at 12:19 a.m.

Pinch Hitting for Peter Abraham over on Lohud, 'Sam I Am' (pictured above) unleashed an anti-Cashman campaign that made even the most ardent non-Cash-lovers come to the aide of the pale, skinny NYY GM known as 'Powder' in certain circles.

'Sam I Am' decided to take his 500-word space and use it to slander and libel the Yankees' GM in ways one can't even begin to describe. So much so, that for the first time in the history of the Lohud, all the commentors AGREED on something: Sam sucking a big ass.

Why Honest Abe allowed this No Talent Ass Clown to come on to his site and spew this bullshit is the mystery meat question of the day.

Did P-Abe figure that by posting it in the middle of the night that no one would catch it?

Did he forget such posters as Brandon, SJ44, Drive 4-5, Boston Dave and of course, Rebecca, use Lohud as a form of life support and never leave the site, knowing that unplugging from Lohud could mean certain death?

Whatever the reason, it's worth a read. That is, if you're planning on going out and getting in a brawl in the next 20 minutes and need something stronger than loud Metallica, Jagermeister and piles of cocaine to get you fired up for a round of fisticuffs.

As you can imagine, the comments section resembles that of images we've been watching for the last week from the Gaza strip. But the best comment came in at 6:52 p.m., on January 4th:

Rick (Columbus) " I did not make it past the picture."

***** ***** ***** *****

And, on a sad note, it turns out the writers of Pride of the Yankees are calling it quits. When I first started discovering all the Yankee blogs out there a few years ago, Dave and Aziz's was one of the first sites I stumbled onto.

Best of luck in law, fellas. When I jump over the wall and rush the field this October to hug Mariano as he gets the last out for WS #27, I'll call you guys from jail to rep me!


  1. It's a jungle out there.

    As bloggers watch the newspapers suck their venerable industry dry, I predict that more Yankee sites will fold... unless the government starts pouring badly needed money into the system.

  2. I Am Sam is now in the witness protection program.

  3. Its a crying shame that within a few days, the Yankee Blogiverse loses a couple of credible, good writers like Dave and Aziz at POTY, yet this ass clown gains notoriety and infamy...

    I'm going as I Am Sam for Halloween next year...

  4. After reading that I just felt sad for Sam. And I was left wondering why Pete would allow him to post such non-sense. Why Pete? Why?

  5. hits, Rob, hits.

    Its all about the page hits for Honest Abe. Same with Sam. Don't feel bad, he has close to 30 comments on a blog post at his site for the first time ever.

    He loves the traffic this buzz is generating.

  6. But nobody will ever read his blog again after today.

    Why oh WHY did you have to post that homoerotic photo on It is high...

    LOL @ the life-support for Pete-Abe commenters line.

  7. As for POTY, David and Aziz will hopefully be back. They leave a wonderful legacy of good, hard work. Unlike Sam I Am, Mr. Mute Point.

    Worst ego-tastic, homo-erotic picture ever.

  8. Sam has been linking to my blog for about a year now, and I've exchanged e-mails with him during that span - he's always been a nice enough guy.

    I honestly feel pretty bad for him, he's taken a lot of criticism and hate for his post, but I didn't actually read it until a few minutes ago.

    Nothing against Sam, but that was the worst thing I've ever read about the Yankees. A sports writer's goal is to not allow personal feelings and bias seep into his writing, and well - this was just a mess. Every single one of his points was completely wrong.

    I just hope everyone learns something from this.

  9. As I said to Shamus in an email, at least the guy was taking a controversial stance. Gotta give him credit there and cut him slack. And frankly, whacked out controversial opinons are good for business. If a blogger were to simply take the most outrageous stances, he would get incredible amounts of...


    Disregard that above line. I never said it.

  10. Rick (Columbus) " I did not make it past the picture."

    lmao gotta love it!

  11. doesn't this post just give the tool MORE publicity????

    exactly what he wanted.

  12. Thanks for blowing that picture up so we can all see it better Shamus. Thats helpful.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hey bro, I am actually laughing that you took your time to write a post about the nonsense that i posted....all i wanted was to get my blog some face time ....i know half the crap i said was wrong(but the other half is true....I still dont like cash) but i also know the only way to get anywhere in the blog world is to do exactly what i did....
    You are indeed doing exactly what I dreamt of happening.. either way, great job on your blog. and thanks for the added traffic.

  15. Go to it, Sam. Never give in.


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