Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stay Classy Gammons, Stay Classy


You want to call them big spenders, and accuse the Yankees of 'buying' all their World Series Championships?

Go right ahead!

You want to poke fun at Hank's Heineken problem, Hal's funny hair, or Felix the Gardner for being, well... Felix the Gardner?

Be our guest!

You got a problem with A-Rod because he spends more money a month on frosted tips, lip gloss and designer tee shirts than the Redsocks spend on team payroll in a season?

Sure, I may even agree with you on that one!

But if you go after Leigh Teixeira like this again, and, as Fat Clemenza once eloquently put it, you'll be 'sleeping with the fish', my yellow-toothed friend!

Here's what the Bard of Boston had to say about the lovely Mrs. Teixeira's decision, in regards to wanting to live in a fine, upstanding city full of educated people like New York over a redneck-infested, trashy little dump of a city like

"He wanted to go to the Yankees, his wife doesn't like Boston -- apparently she doesn't like the stores on Newbury Street or something -- and in the end that's the way it goes."

Nice, real nice...

(IIH Executive Attack Editor's Note: Please find it in your hearts to forgive me for putting his face up on our site. The idea is, you can print this post off, cut out his picture and use it as toilet paper on Sunday morning, or place it over a dartboard)


  1. Gammons is such a tool. Every woman worth her weight in credit cards knows New York beats Boston when it comes to shopping. We have Bergdorf Goodman. They have Filene's Basement. Please.

  2. Ayayaya, Peter, sexism went out with the fifties...

  3. She-Fan, you forgot Saks, among others, vs. the Talbot's look.

    Also, Mrs. Teixiera probably likes to dine out in better restaurants.

  4. I lived there for 13 years and I clearly understand why she doesn't like Boston and frankly I don't blame her. That's why I live in NYC and she prefers the same.

  5. Don't forget Yankee shoppers..we're going to have Bergdorfs, Saks, and a personal Mrs. Teixeira salon at the new stadium, along with a Hard rock cafe, putting greens, three BMW outlets and a Ben Benson's Steakhouse ( the onion rings are to die for ).

    Boston will only have Filenes and beans.

    Hooray for NY women!!!!!!

  6. I work in bahstan.

    Anytime you meet an attractive friendly woman (actually ANY friendly woman), the first question you ask is "where are you from?", since you KNOW she is not a local.

    Ok, that's gross stereotyping -- 99.999% of them are not local.


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