Sunday, February 8, 2009

Is this in Arod's future?



  1. An asterisk.

    I get it.

    Gee Tom, you're so ... black and white.

  2. Oh. Right.

    I thought it was the emoticon of a sphincter.

  3. Tom needs to be forgiven for not getting it at first.

    He has only learned baseball in the last few years...and that, through a crash course from Alphonso ( are you kidding?) and El Duque....OK, Duque tends to the coherent.

    But Tom never got to take the course on Hall of Fame debates, and how records can be compared in different length seasons, seasons with day games, alchohol vs. steroid-induced performance measures, and babes vs. older babes.

    Tom, the infamous asterisk began to appear on the official records of MLB when Roger Maris broke the Babes's pre-steroid , single season HR record.

    Most sports writers were really pissed at him for doing that, thereby diminishing the value of their Babe memorabilia, so they established Congressional hearings to achieve fairness and balance.

    Hence, the asterisk on Roger's feat.

    Nation; How could Tom know that? He is only part way through his PHD in MLB....lets be forgiving here.

    Tom....let's have some manhattans and I'll try to brief you on everything you don't know.

    A ( aka ) Alph

  4. I fucking got it. I just thought we'd talk in punctuation for a while. But you all ruined it.

  5. Of course, Tom.

    P.S. @,##, $, !!! )

  6. d(OO)b

    Please note: this is an HBO executive's emoticon giving the thumbs up to a new Billy Crystal movie about punctuation.


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