Monday, April 27, 2009

Ahh, how I love the taste of gun metal in the morning!

Is it possible we spent $200 million to be worse than last year?

Could we have spent $2 billion on a park and diminished the game experience?

Are we still on the way down?

Historically, the Yankees have always been a barometer of America.

Let this be remembered:

On the weekend of the Boston Reverse Massacre, swine flu exploded.

Once it's pandemic, those empty seats are going to be all over the place.

We are so screwed.


  1. 2009 Yankees = 2008 Mariners

  2. It's not the losses so much. Possible to make those up. But does every loss have to be so humiliating? Does every loss have to be historic? Coughing up 22 runs, a 6 run lead, a homer off Mo, home plate stolen... What next? Sidney Ponson's no-hitter?

  3. Yanks are just locked into a weird mindset of funk for 5 years now. No matter who gets added nothing ever changes. Theres no reason that following that Bay homer off Mo that some Yankee couldnt walk to the plate and say "Here Papelbon, watch me do it too." They dont. They literally look like they play with no confidence at all. Getting pummeled by more then 15 runs 3 times in April? Seriously? I mean I know pitchers take forever to get going sometimes but seriously?

  4. Sorry I said it's possible to make up for these losses. I should never post before I've had coffee.


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