Monday, April 27, 2009

Nine Options for the Yankees

1. Fire Girardi.

2. Sign Pedro Martinez.

3. Dump stars and plan for next year.

4. Mussina?

5. Bring up Jesus Montero.

6. Spout gibberish about team awaiting Arod.

7. Lower ticket prices.

8. Trade prospects for Randy Johnson.

9. Drink.


  1. Purge time! WOOT! Lets do it!

    - Trade Arod, eat his contract, get a few 3B prospects and have Scott Brosius train them.

    - Bring Paulie O'Neil back as bench coach and have him show Swisher how to rally the team and get on guys.

    - Trade Melky, Berroa, and Damon for 1 decent bullpen pitcher. Damon's contract is up anyway and if anyone thinks Melky's April stats will only get better I refer them to the last 3 seasons.

    - Pena = Permanent utilities infielder until Jeter retires or Cano bats .222 again and we trade him.

    - Trade Marte, Rameriz, Veras for a utility outfielder.

    - Bring up guys dominating in the minors and put them in the bullpen.

    - Make Joba Mo's setup man and eventual successor like we wanted him to be. I wanna see Joba celebrating on the mound after striking out a douche with a 101 MPH fastball again!

    - Phil Hughes = 5th starter.

    - Stop signing big money free agents in the offseason.

    - Periodically throw balls at Pettites back until he learns to look over his shoulder from time to time.

  2. - Create a new position for Berroa in between Home plate and 3rd base to protect stealing home.

    - Have Jeter play both shortstop and 3rd base.

    - Turn Yankees Stadium into a state of the art casino.

    - Move the Yankees to a new ballpark that oddly resembles the one in "The Sandlot."

    - Make Rivera a starter. He'll last longer than Wang.

  3. 11. Stop panicking it's only april

  4. Fact: April games dont count. Take the day off Damon.


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