Sunday, April 26, 2009


I'm out here in the damn desert and I heard about the Yankee embarassment in Boston.

A six run lead with our best pitcher on the mound.

NFW !!!

This team is garbage. It has no relief pitching now except MO.

I should have known Bruney would get hurt. And mark my words; 15 days won't be enough.

NFW ???

Today, I vote that the Yankees play in their jock straps. Forget the damn pinstripes.

Get swept up there. Get leaked upon. Just humiliate yourselves like school kids who wet themselves in class. Ooops, that's what they did yesterday.

This team sucks.

We need to spend another $400 million in order to have any shot at third place.


For those of you who don't speak my native tongue, N=Now; W=What.



  1. We're doomed. I'm going to grab a bottle of Chardonnay and find She-Fan. Where are those damned Girl Scout cookies?

  2. Here I am, Whitey. But we're not doomed. We're just taking a time out while the Steins choose their next manager.


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