Monday, April 20, 2009

YES Network should bring back "Pix!" game, mollify fans during frequent pitching changes

Fans who came of age in the 1980s will remember a WPIX game that sometimes ran during Yankee broadcasts.

A lucky kid could come on the air during a break in the action and yell "PIX! PIX!! PIX!!!" to "fire" missiles at some sort of attacking ship. The promotion was the perfect marriage of telephone communications, broadcast TV, and cutting-edge video game technology.

On behalf of the next generation of Yankee fans, we're asking YES to bring it back.

We fully realize that changes would need to be made, and we have some ideas.

First, we recall that WPIX only let kids participate, and they almost always were boys.

So let's modernize it.

Only allow women over the age of 18 to participate.

Second, using "PIX!" is out for obvious reasons.

We have an easy solution.

Just have the participants scream "YES! YES!! YES!!!"

It'd be great for brand recognition and stuff.

So what are you waiting for, YES? You've got plenty of commercial breaks to work with these days...


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