Monday, May 25, 2009

Following Teixiera's broken bat HR: Future iconic home runs in the stadium

Yesterday, when Mark Teixiera homered with a broken bat, it was just another sign that this new stadium is the House of the Rising Run.

What other blasts should we anticipate?

The Check-Swing Home Run. (First base ump says the batter didn't go around, but ball goes out anyway.)

The Infield Fly Rule Home Run. (Ump calls batter automatically out, then ball lands in upper deck.)

The Bunt Home Run. (Enough said.)

The Whiff Home Run. (Batter swings, misses, but force of airflow whisks ball into seats.)

Hit By Pitch Home Run. (Pitch bounces off Youkilis' head, lands in seats.)


  1. Not bad. But I'd rather see the ball hit youkilis' head and then he should end up in the seats.

  2. I love the bunt home run. It could actually happen.


    It has.


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