Monday, June 1, 2009

Sharing a Piece of Pie and Gossiping About the Yanks

I paid a brief visit to a former go-go dancer girlfriend ( seated with aluminum and handi-wrap headpiece ) to relax, catch-up on some outstanding debts, and talk Yankee baseball.

She offered me some pumpkin pie which had been " curing " in the bright blue laundry basket, within easy reach over her left shoulder.

She doesn't get out much, due to a fear of carbon dioxide, but she does follow the Yankees and their comings and goings.

After a mandatory discussion about the blue dots on her right hand ( she is studying pointillism ), she let me in on the following:

1. Brad Halsey ( former Yankee top prospect starter, known affectionately as
" Admiral " ) is still pitching, and has as good a shot at returning to the Yankees bullpen as Edwar Ramirez.

Brad won big yesterday, for the Long island Ducks, coming back from 3 consecutive losses and an ERA of 7.00. The highlight of his victory was when he broke the nose of Preston Wilson with a runaway slider, and subsequently notched a strikeout in the all-important Duck win.

2. Ian Kennedy's lovely wife is apparently pissed and dismayed at reports that her husband has contracted "vasospasms." Rumors persist that this is a new STD which makes his hand and fingers both numb and cold.

Ian denies any impropriety and insists that his poor pitching record is due to the fact that he has not been able to feel the ball since signing with the Yanks. Ian's supportive teammates recently had his SWB jersey re-stitched to reflect the moniker, " Coldfinger."

Mrs. Kennedy has contacted the famous divorce attorney, Mr. Toothy, of London, England, to represent her in any divorce action.

More to follow.


  1. Was Ian Kennedy messin' around with Ken Singleton's wife?

  2. This is so odd. Maddux's first wife divorced him after he contracted a nasty case of athletes foot on his upper lip. Very odd.

    On the right path though kid!


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