Friday, June 19, 2009

This Is Driving Me Crazy

I tuned into the Mad-Dogless Mike Francesa show Thursday about 10 seconds too late. Apparently a caller had just ratted John Sterling out about something, and I got there just in time to hear Mike say (I'm paraphrasing):
John really said that? Really? Maybe he should hand a couple innings off to someone else. He's no spring chicken. Nothing against John. Who does nine innings anymore? Maybe Vin Scully. But who does nine innings anymore? Maybe he should hand a couple innings off to someone else. He's no spring chicken. He's no spring chicken. He's no spring chicken. Nothing against John. Maybe he should hand a couple innings off to someone else. Who does nine innings anymore? Maybe Vin Scully. But who does nine innings anymore? Maybe he should hand a couple innings off to someone else. He's no spring chicken. Nothing against John. Nothing against John. John really said that? Really? Nothing against John.
If you heard this and you know what the snitch told Mike -- what John Sterling could have said that would force Mike Francesa to take this position -- please leave a comment because it's driving me crazy.


  1. I listen to every minute of every show (I know.) so I can officially report that it was a report (see what I did there?) that John had called half an inning with Texiera on second not realizing he stole, thinking Texiera was on first, not realizing Gardner was on first. Not entirely clear, though if I watched the game in question it would probably make sense.

    Mike also teased John (after listening to the clip in the newsroom) that you could hear an off-air producer correct him very clearly, and then John said "you know how I knew it was Gardner at first?" as if to pretend he had magically found some reason to discover it other than the fact it was just whispered into his ear for everyone to hear.

  2. Ouch. Thank you, Student of The Game.


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