Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yankee Fans And Other Believers In Democracy Celebrate As Democracy Itself Foils Undemocratic Attack On Democracy

Thank you, you! You decided, in your great wisdom, that there wasn't any funny business in the May Yankee Employee of the Month Poll, and that John Sterling deserved to win! Savor the result below--and celebrate!

New Yankee Stadium


  1. Flip Floppin FonzyJune 2, 2009 at 12:09 PM

    Upon further reflection, and after reviewing testimony from several "moles," I have concluded that there was a violation of the democratic process in this May vote.

    Accordingly, I am changing the 14 votes I cast during the election process from the " clean side" to El Duque's side.

    Metaphorically, I guess you can say I am back-filling 14 hanging chads.

    Unless there is something in it for me.

    Pretty much anything at all.

  2. Hmmm. I seem to have an extra four-pack of Sparks. Gosh, I wish I knew somebody who would take it off my hands without giving me anything in return...

  3. ok. I'm in.


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