Monday, July 27, 2009

ARod and HudRod, coming soon to a street corner near you

The Boston Herald must have been holding this until we took over first, because Arod homering off Kate Hudson is old news to everybody living outside of Somalia.

Says the Murdoch North:

"The duo put on a very public display of affection for the first time this past weekend, locking lips during the New York Yankees’ annual family picnic."

"Locking lips?" Who writes copy for these guys, Mickey Spillane?

"Locking lips?" WTF? If that's all they did, who cares! Be thankful they didn't spend the afternoon inside a throw-tent with interior strobelight.


  1. The real truth is that A-Rod struck out in his first three at bats right after he returned from 4 days of the All Star break, spent boinking and clubbing and fawning with Kate.

    That is his idea of rest. That is what he did to be fresh for the team's second half run.

    I would have done the same, of course.

    He'll turn up with Kate in Cabo the week-end before our first playoff game. Guaranteed.

    Tony Romo is his model.

  2. Speaking of Kate, she'll dump A-Rod like Madonna did and go back to Owen Wilson for the third time. Our Alex will be so lonely and horny that he'll go 4-for-4 every game. Guaranteed. (OK, I can dream.)

  3. Just what the kids at the NYY family picnic need to cap off HOPE Week. Sex lessons!!!

  4. kate hudson needed to make sure at the picnic that arods focus is only on her & not just his two girls, kate gettin her share of the kisses.

  5. "arod-khud road show" hits the yankees familiy picnic, I mean really? its bout yankees team not individuals, did they really have to suckface infront of other family & kids? whats hudson trying to prove while arods with his little girls, insecure attention seeking skank or did she feel arod was giving his girls more attention than her.


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