Sunday, July 5, 2009

Iron Lungs: After nearly 5 hours on air, John blows a 6.57 WinWarble, pushing average toward 5.5000 into the All-Star Break

The Birthday Boy came through Saturday, hitting 6.57 seconds on the IIH Warbletron Vocalization Caliper, raising John's WinWarble average to 5.4942 -- a dramatic push toward the 5.50000 level, as baseball heads into the traditional midseason break.

The comeback Warble capped a nightmarish 12th inning moment, which threatened to undermine John's faith in Joe Girardi, Robbine Cano and God.

With no outs, two men on, and a 3-0 count, Cano made what John called "an absolutely terrible bunt" that failed to move over the runners. John railed at God for His villainy, and fumed over the call: "That strategy I didn't get at all."

Moments later, Posada's single scored A-Rod, and John warbled.



  1. A joke is funny when someone else laughs, not just you.

    Stop beating this dead horse.

  2. Gotta agree with Unanimous.

    Hey another celeb died, this should help us win this Toronto series today!

  3. Folks, whaddaya think? Bostowed and unanimous are usually pretty level-headed commenters. I've been wondering myself how long to take the WinWarbles. Can't do them forever.


    They are dead wrong about this being a joke. This is science.

  4. The horse is dead. The horse is our barely lovable blowhard, The Sterl.

    El Duque is just the jockey who doesn't realize the fact he is gone.

    The only bright spot is the red sux announcers are even worse. That is quite an accomplishment.

    Can we just play tapes of Scooter? That would be preferred over the crew we have now.

  5. I can't believe you would even consider stopping the warble study. As someone who listens to most of the games, I chck the warble after every win, either to hear a warble I missed for some reason or to see how close I was on my guess. If you dont want to read about the warbles, just dont. Its not as if they are the only posts on this site. In closing, the warble posts are hilarious. Please do not change current format.

  6. If you stop doing warbles, you are standing in the way of scientific progress. Never relent.

  7. Keep doing it. I like seeing you make an ass of yourself.

  8. Warble analysis must continue, if only to affirm and underscore the Yankees' scientific approach to the game of baseball. For instance, we would never believe in curses.

  9. Stopping The Win Warbles is letting the terrorists win.

  10. Don't bother using logic, persuasion, rationality, shame, fairness or anything like that on the final arbiter of everything, The Duke of the Stratosphere.

    This is his world, his playground, his universe.

    The Mad Maestro of the Yankiverse makes Louis XIV seem like a reasonable person.

    If he says it's funny, scientific, scatological or anything else, that's what it is. The end.

    Any intelligent, rational or practical thoughts will be swiftly swatted away like a Veras pitch.

    Take it from one who's learned the hard way: Don't bother.

  11. May I propose a compromise? A weekly or monthly tally with graphs, charts, asteriks and whatever else your little hearts desire... instead of the daily updates.

    I agree that it's frivolous and lame but am willing to defer to crazy people doing "scientific research" like Russell Crowe seeing people but doing mad good math. Jennifer Connolly is hot, so wtf?


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