Monday, July 6, 2009

Separating Truth From Fiction

I invited my close friend, Alphonso, out to my beach house in East Hampton this week-end, because I wanted some straight talk about the Yankees.

His candor, some call it pessimism, can be grating I know.  But so is what we call in the UK, " cock-eyed " optimism and a constant avoidance of reality.

So, my purpose was to get him really loaded, deck him out in a Union Jack designed speedo, and ask him to give me some hard truths.

And it worked.

Despite all the euphoria about the Yankees recent wins against the Jays, Alphonso saw evidence of some shoddy baseball:

1.  Cano has become a liability with Yankees in scoring position.  I mean, if the line-up permitted, Toronto would walk Cody Ransome with two on and one out to get to Cano.  Now 0-21 with RISP.

2. To make matters worse, Cano's bunt with runners on first and second, no outs, and a 3-0 count was ludicrous.  Not only was it a bolluxed bunt attempt, but can't take one pitch ?  

He didn't do anything except give up an easy force out at third.  Pena can bunt.

3.  Nick Swisher is a dangerous guy for the Yankess to have in the outfield.  He makes easy catches look nearly impossible.  

The fact that Toronto's slow-footed catcher ran on his arm, and succeeded, tells all.  Melky would have nailed him at second by 40 feet.  Swisher barely got it there on time to get the runner, but his throw took  Jeter about 15 feet toward the mound to catch it.  

Easy double for Toronto instead of a base running mistake and a rally killer.  I'll wager that Swisher has never had an assist playing the outfield.

4.  Two Yankees, both not noted for any speed at all, were thrown out at the plate.  Something is wrong here. 

 I know that Toronto's right fielder has a great arm.  Does our third base coach?

 Our pitching, and our offense, are not so good that the Yankees can  take themselves out of rallies by getting thrown out at home.  Nick Swisher is another base runner without a clue.

5.  And our newly disciplined, superstar in training , Robbie Cano also got nailed trying to steal second.  

6.  Cody Ransome is on the team for his glove.  Bad day yesterday.  And his at bats were awful.

7.  So why is Ramiro Pena learning the outfield?  Why is he the guy in Scranton?

8.  Just in case readers are unclear about this; Alphonso is not a big fan of Joba as a starter.  Never was.  Never has been. 

 Another busted outing.  Another drain on an already taxed bullpen.

OK. There are a lot of good things happening with the Yankees.  Aceves, Tex, Jeter, Damon, Jorge, Mo, A-Rod, Phil Hughes, AJ, even the Cokester.

But below the surface lies some ugly baseball which has to get corrected.  Otherwise, Alphonso sees 0-18 vs. Boston.

I need some tanning oil. 

 " Alphonso...would you come over here a minute...?"


  1. Wait a second.

    Alphonso, if you were writing the post, who were you talking to?

  2. Myself, of course.

    I don't know how to adjust the author line.

    I'm not technologically advanced.

    Any suggestions?

  3. Go to, click on 'edit profile,' change your display name.

    But we'll know it's you.

  4. 0-18 vs. Boston would be ok if ... IF NY still won the pennant and WS. It would be the 21st century "stick it in your craw" that the Babe Ruth trade was in the 20th.

  5. Thanks, FRANK.

    You mean I don't attract babes?

    That's how you'll know?

    It will seem beyond reason?

  6. No one doubts your stud credentials, Fonz. We'll know it's you through process of elimination.


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