Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You Guys, El Duque Is Drunk And He's Drunk-Posting Comments

So far, he's doing it in this thread, but he sounds pretty close to not knowing which thread he's posting in.

UPDATE: is it an accident that Duque is vowing a five-day drunk during HOPE Week?


  1. In case I didn't make it clear in my post -- I am sloppy sober -- I thoroughly support this HOPE Week initiative by el duque.

  2. I think that it's perfect during Hope week.

  3. Disgusting. Very disappointed.

  4. EL DUQUE IS MY HERO!!!!!!!

  5. Wait a minute.

    Where, exactly, is this 5 day binge taking place, and why am I not there?

    I can get a bus to anywhere.


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