Monday, August 31, 2009

Jim Rice, motivational speaker who lit Jeter's fuse just in time for Redsocks, named August YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH

Jim Rice, legendary Redsock inspirational speaker and ambassador of love (pictured above), has been named YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH for August.

The Hall of Fame Boston slugger outpaced a cluster of Yankee and former Yankee employees to capture the August title, which brings with it the prefered parking space at the IT IS HIGH headquarters, located near the healing waters of Onondaga Lake.

Congratulations, Jim. And keep the Boy Power speeches coming!


  1. The healing waters of Onondaga it!

  2. Sterl makes me hurlAugust 31, 2009 at 7:55 PM

    I haven't been listening to the game. Did idiot John mention the line score yet?

  3. Yeah because if the massage guy wasn't on the list clearly someone else would have won.

  4. I hope Rice digs into Tex and A-Rod right before the World Series. Give it to those overpaid slackers, Jimmeh!

  5. Great choice of Rice! Now on to September. I nominate Jerry Hairston Jr for getting Andy off the hook for the perfecto.


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