Saturday, August 29, 2009

John has a puddle

He watches it closely. It's his friend.

Susyn likes it too. Do you?


  1. Im kinda shocked to see this posted. When I hear John say things like this I feel like hes my crazy grandfather and we are keeping all these stories in the family to keep him from embarrassment.

  2. No, we revel in it. It's what makes him unique.

    When he leaves us, there will never be anyone like him to take his place.

  3. Waiting and hoping for an audio clip.

  4. Could you please elaborate? John talked about a puddle?

  5. John has a puddle that he likes to watch, near the visitors' dugout.

    He and his compaƱera talked about it several times during today's game. Very matter-of-factly. Like everyone has "a puddle."

    It was beyond surreal.

  6. God we need the audio of Johns puddle

  7. Today's was not the most riveting of games. John's attention clearly wandered from the action on the field to the field itself. Perhaps he's working on a way for the puddle to lead into a New York Life spot.

    "Is life making puddles on your home field? Stay dry, safe and secure with New York Life, the company you keep."

  8. I missed it. I was taking kids to college. Any idea what inning it was?

  9. Inning? Maybe 1-5th. The puddle discussion lingered...

  10. Talked about it near the end, too.


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