Thursday, October 22, 2009

Aj Burnett Displays "Electric" Stuff For $100 million

AJ Burnett is a useless garbage eater.

He should never pitch again in a Yankee uniform.

I hope Joe leaves him in until he can't reach home plate with the ball. That would be: 244 pitches by my estimate.

Unfortunately, it will still be the 4th inning.

Everyone should go to bed now. Or go to the movies. Out to dinner. Hit the bottle.

This is an undressing in the making. Like the Giants vs. the Saints 10 times over. And it could cost us everything.

AJ Burnett is officially worse than Kei Igawa. Because he cost more, if you can believe that.

Note to Joe Girardi: do not rescue this turd. Do not waste anyone. Put in Swisher if needed, but not a real pitcher.

Because Burnett is not a real pitcher.

I am jumping from the 59th street bridge now, because putting my tongue in the electric socket didn't work, except on my hair.

Good thing SUPERFRANKENSTEIN is on a train and can't get the game.

El Duque: stay away from that arsenic.

Everyone: turn to North Carolina/Florida State game.

Unless it is on FOX.


  1. Per El Duque's interview, Burnett doesn't have to win a single game. He earned his money with the pie in the face thing. So cool it!

  2. El Dickweed did say that.

    What a tool.

  3. Are you the 15 year old, Alphonso?


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