Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Exclusive! Girardi family photo album discovered on eve of World Series!

Not sure how this came into our possession, but a photo album showing the Girardi family living the life of suburban bliss has surfaced. Here's a peek:

Joe (far left) and his first baseball team, The Midway Mashers managed by Gaylord Disney (the tall guy in the middle.)

Grampa and Gramma Girardi settle in Florida, ironically the location of Joe's first managing opportunity.

Joe's prom date, Koo Koo
Joe's Grampa was a kitten executioner between jobs during the Depression.

Joe showing off his first catching gear given to him in Christmas '58.

Joe and his kindergarten teacher, Joanie V.

(Tip o' the hat to an amusing site: Black and WTF)


  1. This is SOOO FAKE! Joe wasn't born until 1964. How could his parents know in 1958 that he would be a catcher? They probably weren't even married by then. So there!


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