Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Idiot Killed the Radio Star

That's me. I'll be interviewed tonight at 7:05 E.S.T. on

I will reveal the truth about Alphonso.

The. Truth. About. Alphonso.


  1. Can't access the site. Please provide transcript. Enquiring minds want to know.

  2. What a terrible career move. There goes any future YES blog roll sponsorship.

  3. Greeat job, Duque; although I missed the first 10-12 minutes or so. That must've been when all the juicy dirt about Alph got dished.

  4. El Duque gave me a great interview. I was nervous at first because in my last interview, the person hardly talked and I had to keep bringing things up. This time, El Duque provided a lot of talking.

    The show should be up on my site in over an hour I think. That's how long it takes for it to go up. Also, you can go right to blogtalk radio to listen to it.

    The site was hard to access because people went there but couldn't get in because my web host is not the best.

  5. 21 people listened to it live which isn't too bad. More people will listen to it as the days go on.

  6. Here's the correct url if you want to listen to it...

    You have to wait about an hour. It will be on the right side and then you can play the interview.

  7. I would like to negotiate my first big media interview. Whos interested?

  8. Most awesome interview ever on so many levels

  9. Love the way he keeps interrupting you.

  10. Have you ever seen that one Seinfeld episode when...

  11. They should play this on a loop wherever they put the Gitmo prisoners.

  12. I had all my neighbors in for that interview. We sat huddled by the computer, straining to hear every word, and we were riveted. Forget Mike Wallace's interview with Streisand and Barbara Walter's chat with the Shah of Iran. This one will have everybody at the water cooler buzzing for a long, long time.

  13. This interview is so brilliant, it makes Frost/Nixon look like Ryan Seacrest asking some C list actress who she's wearing on the red carpet of the daytime Emmys. Good stuff, duke

  14. Flabbergasting! Way to call him out on that Cowboys defect.

  15. Looking forward to the next installment with Alphonso or one of the other helpers.

  16. You guys do such wonderful work behind the scenes. It would be impossible for me to thank you enough. It's beyond my capacity for words.

  17. Have you ever been invited out for a night of dancing with Pete Abe and Mr. Sterling?

  18. Humbled to be honored AlphOctober 22, 2009 at 9:42 AM

    Thankfully, your threat to reveaql the truth about me was nothing more than pre-progam hype, designed to build that sudience of 21 ( 16 of which were SHE-FAN's movie clubbers in Santa Barbara).

    As we both know, the world is not ready for any truths about me.

    Can we please play the game?

  19. This was fucking awesome; thank you.

  20. It's the little people.


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