Saturday, October 24, 2009

Screw you, Duque!

The Yanks will win today.

Your namby-pamby negativity is a disgrace to the uniform.

I am calling you out. Drawing a line in the sand.

We play today, we win today.*

Screw you, El Douchebag!

*Subject to local weather conditions.


  1. This is the greatest and best blog in the world.

  2. I just clicked on the pictures and nearly peed my pants.

    Whitey, you are a sick puppy.

  3. yeaaa whitey. you the man!! i agree with donyo.

  4. This needs to be noted for future reference. In the next few days, we will attept to run an honest election for IIH Yankee Employee of the Month.

    But certain forces -- wanting only to bring me down -- will once again launch their campaigns against democracy.

    When Fraud complains about some vote somewhere, remember this post. He doesn't care about truth. He doesn't care about democracy. He loves only gold.

    Only gold.

  5. El Dickweed's incoherent rant is another futile and pathetic attempt to obfuscate and distract from his own track record of election shenanigans, seeking a scapegoat for his repeated perfidy and treachery.

    But the people are wise and see through the Cheney-Rove-El Douchebag axis of evil.

    Attica! Attica!


  6. Clearly October was the month of Eric Hinske. Bench sufficiently warmed for playoffs!

  7. Pete Abe for Emp of Mo.


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