Saturday, October 31, 2009

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” It is time to vote for YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH.

Yes, we are war.

Yes, we face great challenges.

No, we cannot ignore destiny.

The nominees:

Derek Jeter, leadership/hitting

Juan Miranda, HR in cup of coffee

Freddie Guzman, post-season speed demon

Suzyn Waldman, shattered WS gender barrier

John Sterling, 7.00+ WinWarbles

Bernie Williams, tossed out first ball

Chad Gaudin, perfect in the post

Sonny Hight, security chief, keeping us safe

Kate Hudson, life-coach/therapist

CC Sabathia, leadership/pitching

Kei Igawa, Scranton rock of stability

Damaso Marte, Mr. Paw of South

Mariano Rivera, leadership/closing

They've done their part.
Now it's up to you, the general public.



  1. Damaso Marte is NOT eligible for IIH, IIF, IIc Yankee Employee of the Month as per this proclamation:

  2. Hudson and Waldman have already broken away from the pack.

  3. Why go through the formality of an "election" that you've already rigged, el Dumbo?

    Attica! Attica!


  4. The feeling within the Electorate October Vote Nominating Subcommittee was that, by allowing Damaso Marte to compete, he could serve as a human symbol of redemption for our times.

    His status was heavily weighed and furiously debated, but it simply was felt that Mr. Marte deserves a second chance. Jose Veras, on the other hand, can rot in hell.

  5. Hudson is dominating. She's making Waldman look like Nick Swisher with the bases loaded and two outs in the 9th.

  6. Goodness gracious this is insulting to women. How can Suzyn Waldman be losing to Kate Hawn or Goldie Hudson or whatever that tramps name is. Next year, when A-Rod is dating Cher, are you going to be naming her the employee of the month too? Suzyn has done something no other woman has ever done before. Kate has done something thousands have done before. Which is more impressive?

  7. Suzyn for Employee of the Month! Kate Hudson does not deserve this prestigous honor. First it was Hillary Clinton, then Sarah Palin, now its Suzyn Waldmen. Suzyn is obviously a major a role in breaking the gender barrier, VOTE FOR HER

  8. Im reporting this endorsement forgery to Walmart unless I receive 1,000,000.00 transfered to my account by noon the day of game 4.

  9. Anonymous: Deal. We'll need your account number.

  10. Before you transfer that million, please consider that El Duque probably enlisted WalMart as title sponsor (or at least certificate sponsor) for Yankee Employee of the Month, and that WalMart probably paid IIH dearly for this such prime exposure. Literally dozens of people in the Yankiverse are likely to see this certificate. Dozens!

    WalMart lawyers will no doubt laugh in Anonymous's face when he reports this so-called "endorsement forgery".

    I say, "Welcome, WalMart to the IIH team!" I thank them for their generous and heartfelt support of this important human relations effort.

  11. Miranda deserves more consideration. A home run inside a cup of coffee is a very difficult feat.

  12. I dont feel comfortable posting my account number. Just leave the bag in front of Ruben Rivera's locker..

    Ive said too much.

  13. Shouldn't New York Life be on the ballot, instead of Sonny Hight, for keeping us safe and secure?

  14. Cool blog as for me. I'd like to read something more about this matter. Thank you for giving that info.
    Joan Stepsen
    Gifts geek


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