Sunday, November 1, 2009

Did you ever think John would hit a mere 6.12 WinWarble in the World Series? Well, that's what happened last night

A 6.12 second World Series WinWarble?


Clearly, Mariano's two-inning stint in Game 2 took a chunk out of John. WHAT WAS JOE THINKING! Sure, John rattled off a 7+ Warble that night -- he's a pro, gaddamot! -- but it's a seven game series, and now -- a 6.12? -- he's showing the strain.

A six point one two? That's for May 18 when we play Seattle? That's when you push out a 6.12 WinWarble, not the World Series!

This is bad. Considering the juju forces that propelled us through this season, it's becoming clear that a major celebrity may have to die in order for us to take this thing -- I'm talking a top game show host or beloved-but-misunderstood-due-to-sex-abuse-conviction actor -- that poor Canadian singer-babe who just got eaten by the coyotes won't cut it -- and, frankly, I don't want that on my conscience the rest of my life.

A 6.12 WinWarble. Is that all there is? Well, if that's all there is, my friend, then let's keep dancing. Let's break out the booze and have a ball. If that's all. There. Is.


  1. Lets bat Sterling 8th

  2. H1N1? Or worse...the only plausible explanation for such pitiful performance.

    Though it goes to show that you can never predict WinWarbles.


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