Sunday, November 8, 2009

IT IS HIGH receives prestigious award for Internet coverage of Post-Season

The much-coveted Nappie is the Internet equivalent of the Pulitzer, Oscar, Grammy and Nobel Peace Prize, without the crass distraction of a cash award, which we out of principle would have refused anyway.

IT IS HIGH wins the category of Best Single-Team Post-Season Coverage By a Blog, which makes us the Hideki Matsui of the Internet or the Dell Computers Employee of the Week for the Month of October. (Pictured is last year's Best Single-Mom Post-Season Coverage By a Blog winner, Angelina Jolie.)

We haven't decided whether to attend the gala award ceremonies, to be broadcast on 30-second delay on Spike Network II from the Hollywood Bowl on Lincoln's Birthday, and which are followed by a series of celebrity ecstacy parties hosted by major studios and Vanity Fair. (Already, Alphonso has been contacted about the multi-page pictoral; a deeply private man, it's not clear if he will approve their photo illustration proposal. I don't want to give it away, but let's just say it has to do with whipped cream and walkoff pies, and not much clothing.)

Obviously, this is the greatest moment in the history of IT IS HIGH, which would only be topped by a visit from The Master himself.


  1. I'd like to thank Jesus Christ and the ladies at Lookers.

  2. Oh man, now I gotta get my cable TV provider to carry Spike II!

  3. I feel really bad for skimming during the playoffs now. What did you guys do that was so entertaining?

  4. What did we do? We allowed anonymous people to post content-free comments.

    And Spike II is a carrier current station, only available on electric razors and toaster ovens.

    Plus, the Hollywood Bowl they refer to is in Erie Pa. but it's still a great honor. Not as great as Honor Blackman (a/k/a Pussy Galore) but it will suffice.

  5. On a more important note, WTF happened to Angelina Jolie??


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