Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This Is Why We're A John Sterling Blog

According to New York Magazine's Sports Section, Michael NO IT'S TOO UGLY LET THEM TELL IT:


  1. See if you can get your hands on the audio from Mr. Sterling's simulated win warble, mentioned in the article...

    You need to test it and see how it stacks up against the Real McCoy.

  2. This from Masshole Sports, complaining that no Yankee players attended this event.


    "Yankees fans paid $30 to sit in a theatre with Joe Girardi, Brian Cashman, Michael Kay, John Sterling, Suzyn Waldman..."

    Let's see now...that's #3 on the list of Yankee Heroes named Joe, the guy that signed CC Sabathia and Mark Teixeira, the first woman ever to announce a World Series game, a movie, AND new duet sensation JOHN STERLING, all for $30 - sounds like a bargain to me, especially in the pricey NYC entertainment market.

    People are gonna look back when Sterling shows with the likes of Aerosmith and Streisand are $300 a pop and say, "If only I'd..."


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