Sunday, December 13, 2009

YODA #5 - Yankee Executive of the Decade - Nominations, Please

After a seemingly month-long binge of celebrating the celebrities, blogs and bloggers (hint...) of the last decade, it's time to get back to actual Yankees, albeit not the uniform-wearing kind.

The next YODA up for nominations is Yankee Executive of the Decade. Do you have any last words?


  1. Jason Zillo for keeping Freddy Sez out of the stadium in the beginning of the season but redeemed himself with HOPE Week.

  2. There's a guy named Cash or something like that.

    How about Gene Michael?

  3. The face that can turn back a thousand ships, Randy Levine.

  4. @Anonymous - Levine nominated for leadership in the firing of Joe Torre?

  5. Yes, I should have added that I was really nominating Levine for "worst Yankee executive of the decade".


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