Monday, February 1, 2010

10 Reasons We Should Worry

1. In Japan, we're now known as "the team of Kei Igawa."

2. Next year, Mariano is 40, Andy and Jorge are 38, and Jeet is 36.

3. Curtis Granderson can't hit lefties, neither can Randy Winn. With Nick Johnson, Robbie and Gardner, we're top-heavy from that side.

4. We still don't know what to expect from Hughes and Joba.

5. In the playoffs, our bridge to Mariano was... Mariano.

6. Phil Coke is gone. Evidently, we're expecting Damaso Marte to pitch all season.

7. Now that they've won a ring for their dad, the Steinbrenner heirs and heiresses seem inclined to bank the profits. Would George, in the face of Boston's spending, have let Damon go? What if, in the long run, Hank and Hal turn into billionaire pennypinchers like the Pohlad family of Minnesota?

8. Boston has six starters -- Beckett, Dice K, Lackey, Wakefield, Buchholtz, Lester -- which means they can trade for anybody they need.

9. Javier Vazquez isn't in the National League anymore.

10. The batter protecting Arod in the order is...?


  1. Thanks a lot.
    Now I will probably also be awake at 5:54 am tomorrow worrying about all of this.


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