Monday, February 1, 2010

Question: Is Cashman a weanie?

Normally, we at IT IS HIGH try to avoid scatological discussions, which lower the quality of analysis we seek to render.
But in recent weeks, we have seen Yankee G.M. Brian Cashman take a hardline stance against spending, presumably to save his measily little butt from the scorn of in-house accountants.
Don't get this wrong. We like Cash. They wouldn't be the Yankees without him. The last thing we want is some Adam Lambert-as-Zorro-wannabee like Theo Epstein running our Yankees. But seriously... Look at him.
Is Cash a weanie?
The sad answer is: Quite possibly. Look at those glasses. OK, this picture is out of date. But it doesn't matter. Glasses are the glasses. If we was a weanie then, he's a weanie now. Do you not become a weanie because of new glasses? No. In fact, you're more a weanie for changing them.
And the pose? Weanie. Can anybody look at this picture without thinking, "Weanie?"
Last winter, when he was signing free agents, nobody would think weanie. Perhaps our view was clouded money. This year, he's holding the line on spending. But not on weaniehood.


  1. Funny, all I can see is the ring, duque!

  2. It's going to be at least mildly funny for those who haven't sipped Alphonso's Kool-Aid when he's opening up the check books at next year's free agent class, and all of this retarded pandering is revealed as retarded.

  3. Cashman may be resting up for next off-season. Not only will Joe Mauer and Carl Crawford be available, but he'll also have to negotiate new contracts with Jeter and Rivera.

  4. It's definitely. the yellow shirt and glasses. He's really feeling like a "non-weenie" in Japan though.

  5. Doesn't look like Mauer will be available.


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