Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Could Kei Igawa also become Scranton's all-time save leader?

That's the question in the Yankiverse today, following Tuesday's stunning revelation that the Yankees will move Kei Igawa from his slot in the Triple A rotation and see if the Eastern Pennsylvania ace can become the new Scranton-Wilkes Barre Bridge to Mariano.

Not since speedy Freddie "Goose" Guzman arrived in the mudflats of Moosic has the Scranton Yankiverse been more perked over a player move.

Before this gets out of hand... a note of truth.
This is soooooo overdue, it's almost a scandal.
For the last two years, the Yankees have picked up rocks in the desert in search of LH bullpen help -- remember Billy Traber? -- yet they never gave Igawa a shot.
They act as if it's his fault that they gave him so much money and a five-year deal.
It's not his fault. It's their fault. He is a player trying to make as much money as possible in the 5-10 years that he will have a career. Yes, they're overpaid. Yes, they're divas. But when a player gets overpaid, as Igawa did, it's not his fault.

If we were going to just piss all over the guy, drop him into a coal mine and blow up the mountain behind him, we should have cut him long ago. Send him home. Pay him off. Trade him. Whatever. Yes, I know this guy is a walking punchline. When in doubt, rip Igawa. He's our new Pavano (until Javier Vazquez fails; oh, brother, I hate to think of what'll happen if he flubs it)
But I'm rooting for Igawa.
And it's almost time to take nominations for FEBRUARY YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH.


  1. A man willing to make such a move for the good of the team deserves to be employee of the month.

  2. Geez, Duque, could your campaigning be ANY more blatant?

    Kei does not need your help. He is a multiple winner of the IIHIIFIICEOTM Award!

    Personally, I think if he wins in February, he is officially retired from competition and the award is renamed in his honor. The

  3. Kei deserves to be enshrined with the unprecedented THIRD EOTM trophy.

    You know, if they, uh, actually get a trophy for it. Or the novelty keychain.


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