Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today In Sports: Tea Party Patriots Demand Their Own NASCAR

“I have designed and entered a Tea Party car to be featured at the All Star race 2010. It features the Gadsen flag and is named "No Tread." It needs votes to make a showing, and I am trying to get a grassroots effort to make that happen. We were hanging in the top tier until just today. Normally I would not beg like this, but apparently there is now a union sponsored car that got something like 200,000 votes in one day. Not sure we could match that, but all I can do is try.”

“It can be seen here: It is an easy vote and you don't have to register. You can vote once a day for the next 13 days. Can anyone help us make a showing on national television? Please pass it around to everyone you know. I know it has been on freeper as well, so it is getting some attention.”

“I really appreciate it.”
Please VOTE to enter “Don’t Tread on Me” car in NASCAR


  1. A Camry? I guess sudden acceleration would be good on the Nascar track.

  2. I'll never forget the first time I saw the Gasden flag: a tatoo on Superfrankenstein's bicep. The snake looked like it was moving when he flexed.


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