Monday, February 8, 2010

The River Thames Flows Through our Left Field

Marcus Thames -- who homered off Randy Johnson in his first MLB at bat -- has become yet another homecoming former Yankee, once again undermining previous statements that we were perfectly delighted with our chaotic situation in left field.

Seriously... did I imagine this stuff? Wasn't it the other day when Cashman said he was satisfied with Brett Gardner?
Suddenly, we've put out a casting call for everybody over age 33 who once hit 20 home runs. And let's not forget to use the adding machine here, either.
Remember how they said they had only $2 million for left-field? Well, now they've spent $2 million on Randy Wynn and another $900,000 on Thames. If you add whatever they're paying Jamie Hoffmann, and the next additions -- God knows who it'll be -- we could be back up there in Johnny Damon salary territory by July.

Is Dion James available? Karim Garcia (right)? Rondell? Hello?
Not complaining, mind you. What's done is done. Just wondering... Has Cashman been ahead on this, or is he making it up as he goes along?


  1. Actually it's $1.1 million for Winn and $0.9 million for Thames. That's $2 million that Cash was looking to spend. And, this has been rumored for weeks.

  2. I hear Mel Hall might be available. Oh wait...

  3. O ye of little faith. Cashman has gotten hold of Jeff Goldblum's pods, which he'll use to fuse Gardner, Wynn, and Thames at the molecular level into one outfielder... named Raul Mondesi.

  4. Chad Curtis was bagging my groceries at A&P the other day and said he'd come back for a mere $5 million. Why don't we sign him, too.

  5. On Friday, I was watching Karim Garcia play for the Venezuelan team in the Caribbean World Series. I bet Cash was down there scouting all the other ex-Yankees too.

  6. Bernie Williams and Alfonso Soriano are in the photo. Are they next?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. They brought back Johnson, who they had traded for Vazquez, then they brought back Vazquez.
    So the next logical move would be to bring back Ruben Sierra, who they traded for Thames.

  9. British Guy Who Googled Thames And Ended Up HereFebruary 10, 2010 at 8:01 PM

    Jolly good comment string.

  10. Tell Cash to bring back Mell Hall!


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