Thursday, February 18, 2010

Words from the Pariah

Javy Vazquez has shown the guts to appear in camp.

This is what says of the man who gave us the defining moment of 2004:

(After that game, then-Yankees manager Joe Torre asked Vazquez to assess his season. Vazquez said he wished it had ended better.)

Oh? Yeah? Well, hey, come to think of it, we wish it ended better, too! It's good to know we're all on the same page here!

(But Torre insisted that the key -- the important thing -- was that he grew as a pitcher.
"And that's what I did," Vazquez said. "You've got to take it as a learning experience." )

Uh-huh. OK. Yeah. Listen: We'll root for Vazquez. But the Carl Pavano 24 Second Clock is running.

("It's just the aura of playing with the Yankees, man. It's the most important franchise in baseball, maybe in the world. To get to play for a team like that, it's a great feeling.")

OK. Maybe he understands how lucky he is to get a second chance. But it's a long, long road to redemption, folks, and it's going to have to run not only through Boston... but through Johnny Damon.
And to tell you the truth, when this pitches against Johnny, I'm not sure for whom I will be rooting.


  1. I think Vasquez is going to have a better year than AJ.

  2. Look I wanted Johnny back but the reality is he going somewhere else for the dollars. Do not blame him, still respect him, but I hope Javy beams the son of a bitch.


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