Monday, March 29, 2010

Ohio Senator: "Rooting for the Redsocks is like rooting for the drug companies."

They said it, not us. On Wednesday's, MSNBC "MORNING JOE," between regular denoucinations of the Yankees. Let's go to the videotape.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Joining us now live from Capitol Hill, Democrat from Ohio and member of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Sherrod Brown.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: And an Indians fan, Barnicle tells us. Barnicle, do you want to ask the Indians fan the first question?

MIKE BARNICLE: Well, no, because they have low scale on their payroll. I don't want to upset him; it's too early in the morning.

SCARBOROUGH: Why? You mean -- is he going to have to suffer through another bad Indians season?

BARNICLE: I think so.

SHERROD. BROWN: You know, Joe, Barnicle needs to understand, rooting for the Red Sox is like rooting for the drug companies. I mean --

BRZEZINSKI: Oh, wait a minute!

SCARBOROUGH: That's the Yankees!

BROWN: They steal players --

SCARBOROUGH: You can't say that!

BROWN: Yeah, well, the Yankees -- the Red Sox have become a lot like the Yankees.

: Thank you. That's correct.

BROWN: They're this big machine. Their fans are a little bit -- just a little bit over the edge, so that it's just uncomfortable for the rest of us. Joe Morgan --

BARNICLE: Senator, your version --

BROWN: Well, wait a second. Joe Morgan said on TV one time, he said baseball's the greatest sport ever because the owners have tried to ruin it for 100 years and it's still a great sport.

And when the Red Sox and the Yankees act that way, it's just -- you know. Anyway, back to business.

GEIST: Sorry about that.

BARNICLE: Senator, I saw you sit one night in Fenway Park, right across from me, a Red Sox-Yankees game.

BROWN: I know. Miserable. It was miserable.

BARNICLE: And you were rooting hard for the Red Sox.

BROWN: No, no, no, no. (Laughter.) It was a Red Sox- Indians game.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes, you were.

BROWN: It was when you guys knocked Cleveland out of the playoffs. It was a Red Sox-Indians game, Barnicle. So get your story right. I never would go to a Red Sox-Yankee game because I wouldn't know what to do, except eat. (Inaudible) -- so I just have to eat popcorn.

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