Monday, April 26, 2010

Time for a Vazectomy?

Yep, it's April.

Yep, it's just four starts.

Yep, we're barely a game out.

Yep, we know an albatross when he lands on our shoulder.

Javier Vazquez should not have returned to the scene of his crime.

Listen: I mourn for the guy. He never wanted to become a Yankee pariah. Like every young boy growing up in wherever the hell he grew up, Javy wanted to be a Yankee star. And (See above): It's April. By June, he might come around. We must root for this bum.

Redemption was always the heart of the Yankee saga.

David Wells came to us a fat slob; he saved his career. Daryl Strawberry came to us a boozehound; he saved his soul. How many times did Billy Martin climb back from hell? Mickey. Reggie -- they jumped off the bridge, but the Yankee bungee cord pulled them back.

Yankee heroes must die at least once before they can rise.

Trouble is, for every redemption, there is a Gollum, the guy who becomes a Yankee just to chase that precious ring. Carl Pavano, Randy Johnson, Ed Whitson, Kei Igawa, et al.

We got Vazquez as a fourth starter. Right now, Phil Hughes is that man. Right now, Sergio Mitre or Alfredo Aceves could run out every fifth day and give us a better shot than Vazquez. Or maybe even Joba, as per the original (See 2007) plan.

We don't need Javier Vazquez. He sure doesn't need us.

A salary dump to the National League for a pair midldling prospects, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. If he were the only problem it wouldn't be so bad.
    Granderson's average has dived 80 points in a week, and when did he last hit a homer? Johnson takes so many pitches he's forgotten how to hit a fastball down the middle. A-Weird and Tex are on pace to hit only 18 homers each. Swisher is batting .224. Marcus Thames leads the team in batting and OPS. Marte can apparently get people out only in October and November. What's up with David Robertson with the WHIP of almost 2.0? And what, exactly, is Randy Winn's role on this team? To play one inning in right field 3 times a week and pinch run for Johnson if he walks in the 8th inning of a close game?
    They've lost 3 out of 4, and the Orioles have snapped out of their slump just in time to win this next series. Tampas's still playing great, they've extended Zobrist's contract, and they won't be trading Crawford in July, either. Are we going to be studying the wild-card standings in September?


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