Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yesterday, America should have bought the Texas Rangers and blown them up

The Texas Rangers, which gave America George W. Bush -- who, despite BP's efforts, still remains the worst oil spill in U.S. history -- yesterday went up for auction like a wide-angle paparazzi crotch shot of Lindsay Lohan.

Naturally, a bunch of golfer Republicans -- using a new figurehead, the once great Nolan Ryan -- rallied to outbid Mark Cuban, an egomaniacal billionaire so crazy that he is regularly excluded from billionaire parties. I don't know whether this is a good or bad sign.

Yesterday, of course, displayed the true business of anti-trust exempt baseball -- a coven of fat, old white Viagra users who somehow -- usually through vast inheritances -- came to own the National Pastime, which should not be owned by anyone. They sign Latinos on their 16th birthdays from rural plantations, then scream like the stuck pigs they are when Ozzie Guillen suggests that something is wrong. They pay their rug-hatted figurehead commissioner $16.5 million a year -- that's more than Albert Pujols has ever made -- in order to keep Bud Selig from signing with the Arena Football League, I guess. And they can't wait to institute a salary cap on teams because the players make too much money during their average 1-year lifetime career span.

Listen: America should have pooled its money, bought that fucking franchise, put it on a barge, sailed it out to the Gulf of Mexico and set fire to it at the site of the Deepwater Horizon. That team must never be allowed to win, not after its crimes against America: the first sickeningly overwhelming deal to a player (Arod), the first owner-President (GWB), the end of local radio (Clear Channels) and to the Yankees -- yes, the incompetent and loathsome creature, Buck Showalter -- who once pulled his Rangers starting lineup in the final game of a season just so the California Angels could win the contest and receive home field advantage -- over the Yankees, Buck's former players. "So be it," was all Joe Torre could say.
Nope, we should bave bought that team, stuffed it in a bottle and put it out with the red tide.

1 comment:

  1. This makes a lot of sense.



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